Sep 21, 20212 min

Cranky Lizard speaks…

What an appalling situation…

At a recent public meeting in Caboolture, covered in full elsewhere in this issue, community members reported botched and disfiguring surgeries being conducted at the Caboolture Hospital. Clearly, frontline medical staff, doctors and nurses are pretty much overwhelmed by demands on their time and their skills. Valuable paramedical skills are locked up for hours as ambulances ramp for the same time, waiting for a bed at what should be an efficient frontline hospital in our rapidly growing urban region, Moreton Bay.

Cranky Lizard seeks to cut through the election bullshit about a hospital on Bribie Island, promised with great fanfare by the Labor Party and their local member, and asks what the bloody hell are this mob, the Queensland Labor government, doing about health systems in Queensland?

It’s easy enough to see that in some cases, the Queensland Health system is overwhelmed with admin staff, all in the union and all voting for the ‘chook‘, when it is evident that frontline staff are forced to cope as best they can with poorly-resourced situations. You could, and would, expect to see similar bungling, admin-padded, nonsense such as this in third world or developing countries.

Cranky Lizard asks, is there any common sense left in this Labor mob?

Have they got any idea what they are supposed to do? Are they competent? Are they just filling up jobs for the boys and girls to get them to vote for the ‘chook’?

These are some serious questions; they have been aired on the electronic media news, they have been vented at public meetings, and now, Cranky Lizard asks…

“ What the bloody hell are you doing? “

It is a question Cranky Lizard shall keep asking until some honest answers are provided; enough spin, enough fluff, enough waffling, enough diversions about construction and budget allocations, just answer the question…

“ What the bloody hell are you doing? “