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Community Groups in Pumicestone


GROUP: Bribie Celtic Fiddlers


  TIMES: 10am - Noon

WHERE: "Vibe" Markets @ Community Arts Centre 

REMARKS: Regular rehearsals. Keen musicians welcome.

COST: $0

CONTACT:  Ross 0490 015 353


GROUP:  The Bribie Island Community Parkinson’s Support Group

MEETS:   On the second Thursday of each month (December and January excepted)

TIMES:   From 1.00pm until 3.00pm

WHERE:  In the Anzac Room at the Bribie Island RSL Club, 99 Toorbul Street, Bongaree

REMARKS:  The meetings are open to people with Parkinson’s and their carers and family members;

                       and anyone in the community with an interest in Parkinson’s Disease

COST:     a gold coin donation towards postal costs and a gift for guest speakers

CONTACT:   Co-ordinator David Martin, 0418 750120


GROUP: Bribie Island Family History Interest Group

MEETS: We meet in the Anzac Room at the Bribie Island RSL Club at 93 - 105 Toorbul Street, Bongaree

WHERE: Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 1pm and the second Thursday of the     month at 10am, FEBRUARY to DECEMBER.

REMARKS: Members talk about their genealogical finds or ask for assistance with their family research. Numerous meetings feature a guest speaker on various subjects.  Why not come along to our friendly club, share a cup of tea, coffee and a biscuit and see if we can find your family with you.

COST:   No Annual Subscription or joining fee

CONTACT: Phone Bette on 3408 3096.


GROUP: Toorbul & Donnybrook Pensioners Club

MEETS: Mondays - Tai Chi 8 - 9 am.; Craft group 9.00 - 11.00; Indoor Bowls - 1.00 - 3.30 

                                  2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month:  - Line Dancing 8 - 9a.m.

                                  Fridays - Tai Chi 8 - 9 am.

 WHERE: Did not provide

 REMARKS:  A Church Service is conducted each month - 3rd Sunday at 8.15 a.m. Fr George from St    Michael's officiates.

 Our regular monthly meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of each month, with a short Church   Service at 9 a.m. followed by morning tea, and the meeting at 10.15 am.

 COST: Most activities at the club cost members $2; with non-members $3. There is a $10 yearly subscription to become a member from May to April every year.

CONTACT:  Helen 0428130726, or Ruth: 07 54292310.


GROUP: Bribie Island VIEW Club.

MEETS:    On the fourth Wednesday of the month at 11.30 for 12.00 luncheon, which usually includes a guest speaker.

WHERE:  At Kai Cafe & Restaurant, Welsby Parade

REMARKS:   VIEW stands for Voice Interests and Education of Women and supports the work of the Smith Family.  Other casual functions – morning tea, movie morning – are held during the month.

Bribie VIEW sponsors four students through The Smith Family Learning for Life programme.   More information can be found at   Further information can be found about VIEW generally at, and then follow the "Find a Club" link to Bribie Island.

COST: Cost is $25 per head, $2 of which goes directly to our funding for the Smith Family.

CONTACT:  If you wish to find out more, or come to one of our luncheons, you could speak to Jennifer on 3408 2152 or Pat 3408 3835


GROUP: The Probus Club of Bribie Island Inc

MEETS:  First Tuesday each month at 9.00am

WHERE: Bribie Island RSL Conference Room

REMARKS:  A mixed fellowship club open to all residents of Bribie Island and surrounding areas.

COST:  $25.00 joining fee, $25.00 annual membership fee.

CONTACTS:  Mark Sunter (3408-4145) and Ursula Maffey (3410-0792)


GROUP:   Pumicestone Passage Probus Club

MEETS:    2nd Tuesday of the month from 9.15am for a 9.30am Start

WHERE:   Bribie Island RSL, Toorbul Street, Bongaree

 REMARKS:   PPP is a mixed club and its ethos is Fun, Fellowship and Friendship.  Meetings are relaxed and informative and the club also holds many social events outside of the regular monthly meeting.

COST: Annual Subscriptions are $30 single and $60 Couple.

CONTACT:  please phone Kathy Vincent on 3410 1197 or mobile 0406312074


GROUP:  Bribie Masonic Lodge

MEETS:  On the 2nd Wednesday of the month from Feb – Nov

WHERE:  25 Banya st Bongaree at 7 pm.

REMARKS:  Any member who has not been a regular attender is most welcome also any visiting member from interstate or country member are welcome also. 

COST: Did not provide

CONTACT:  Nev 0407 300 765 or Ron 0418 858 855


GROUP:  Bribie Island National Seniors

MEETS:  9 am for 9.30 am start, fourth Monday of each month excluding December and January.  Annual General Meeting 23rd July 2018

WHERE:  At the Bribie Island RSL Function room

REMARKS: Meeting no cost with morning tea provided.  3 meetings allowed before membership required

COST:  Annual membership Single $44 Joint $55 

CONTACT:  Enquiries Phone Coral 07 34086152


GROUP:       Pumicestone Trefoil Guild

MEETS:       3rd Monday each month

WHERE:      Girl Guides Hut, Webster Street, Bongaree

REMARKS:   Trefoil Guild is the adult section of Girl Guides Australia

COST:          $70.00 per annum

CONTACT:     President Annette on 34082904 or Secretary Pat on 34084079.



GROUP:  National Servicemen’s Association (Nashos)

MEETS: First Tuesday of the Month

WHERE: 25 Boronia Drive, Bellara

REMARKS: Lunch provided and partners welcome


CONTACT: John Price 0439 287 747


GROUP: Sandstone Point mainly music

MEETS: Sandstone Point Community & Sports Complex

TIMES: 9:30 am Thursdays during school term

WHERE: 202 Bestmann Road, Sandstone Point

REMARKS: For babies to pre-schoolers and their carer.  Full of fun, educational music and

musical activity to grow and develop your child, followed by something

to eat and something to play with, plus time for you to eat and chat!

COST:    $6 child or $7 per family (1st session free)

CONTACT: Ph 0413 251 569


GROUP: Bribie Island Historical Society Inc

MEETS:          2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm

WHERE:         ANZAC Room, 1st Floor RSL Club, Toorbul Street, Bongaree

REMARKS:    Established in 2008, the Bribie Island Historical Society's main goal is to share the knowledge of Bribie Island's unique history and heritage.  

COST:             Annual subscription of $10

CONTACT:     Email: or Lynne Hooper 3408 2336.


GROUP: Ecumenical Children's Choir 

MEETS: â€¯Every Thursday afternoon of school terms from 3.30p.m. to 4.45p.m.  

WHERE: Bribie Island Uniting Church, Webster Street, Bongaree 

REMARKS: â€¯Open to all children who love to sing - aged 4 to 15 years. Children taught skills in singing and reading music; learn songs that script our children for positive living; share their music and faith with the elderly three times a year and at other times and functions. Children can work towards earning badges for particular skills. Performance uniforms supplied. Parents welcome at practices. 

COST: Nil 

CONTACT: Margaret on 5497 5777 


GROUP:  Messy Church 

MEETS: â€¯ Every second Sunday of the month from February to November inclusive, from 4p.m. to 6p.m. 

WHERE: â€¯Bribie Island Church, Webster Street, Bongaree 

REMARKS: â€¯Church for all ages and all the family. Commences at 4p.m. with fun (and sometimes messy) activities which follow a theme - all age activities.  Followed by a short celebration around the theme. Concluding with a delicious evening meal. 

COST: â€¯Donation 

CONTACT: â€¯Margaret on 5497 577



Phone: 0447 007 966



Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507


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