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You Be the Judge

You Be the Judge, here are comments from both the State Government and the opposition regarding the 2019/20 budget. We encourage you to write to us and let us know what the community of Pumicestone thinks about the 5th Budget for the State Government! Will it be a great Budget for Queenslanders or Not!

Budget 2019-20 invests in Queensland’s regions and businesses

The Palaszczuk Government say they are delivering for Queensland businesses and regional councils with $146 million in additional grant funding in the 2019-20 state budget.

Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said the Building our Regions (BoR) program, Advance Queensland Industry Attraction Fund (AQIAF), Jobs and Regional Growth Fund (JRGF) and Made in Queensland (MiQ) program would all receive a funding boost in this year’s budget.

“These funding programs support Queensland businesses and regional councils, creating jobs, investing in infrastructure and growing our economy,” Mr Dick said.

“Building our Regions Round 5 will receive $70 million over four years to deliver critical job-creating infrastructure to regional communities to improve liveability and economic conditions.

“In partnership with regional councils, the Palaszczuk Government will continue to fund projects through BoR that have strong economic outcomes in local communities, delivering thousands of regional jobs.

“The $295 million available under previous rounds has seen 223 infrastructure projects funded across regional Queensland, supporting more than 2400 jobs and attracting additional investment of $487 million from councils and other organisations.”

Mr Dick said AQIAF would receive an additional $45 million, bringing total funding for the program to $150 million.

“The Advance Queensland Industry Attraction Fund offers financial incentives to encourage projects to relocate or expand in Queensland,” he said.

“To date, AQIAF has supported 14 projects which will generate more than 1090 new direct jobs and over $360 million in private investment during the next five years.”

The successful Jobs and Regional Growth Fund will receive an additional $25 million from this year’s budget, bringing total funding to $175 million.

“JRGF has seen 17 projects announced, along with nine election pledges, creating nearly 1000 operational jobs and supporting up to $485 million in capital investment in regional Queensland over the next five years,” Mr Dick said.

“This will stimulate ongoing regional employment and support sustainable economic development by assisting and accelerating private sector projects.”

Meanwhile, the MiQ program will be boosted to $46 million in this year’s budget to continue to support small-and-medium-sized manufacturers to become more internationally competitive, with $10 million to be allocated this coming financial year.

“Made in Queensland is a practical initiative that is boosting regional manufacturing,” Mr Dick said.

“Round 1 saw an investment of $18.2 million in Queensland’s manufacturing sector, which is expected to generate more than 530 direct high-skill jobs over the next five years.

“Through MiQ Round 2, we allocated a further $17.6 million to help 25 businesses around our state innovate and expand.

“These businesses will ultimately employ an estimated 538 additional people over the next five years.

“Queensland’s manufacturing sector is worth $20 billion each year to our economy and provides jobs to more than 173,000 people,” he said

"A strong local manufacturing sector means more Queensland jobs, and more jobs means a stronger Queensland.”

The 2019-2020 budget has also committed $60 million for the implementation of The Spit master plan on the Gold Coast and $19 million to deliver the Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019-2024, including $15 million for an industry development fund.

Labor legacy of higher taxes, more debt, less jobs and less infrastructure

Deb Frecklington leader of the opposition said “The Palaszczuk Labor Government is simply not up to the job of managing the economy after their fifth Budget locked in higher taxes, more debt, less jobs and less infrastructure for Queensland.”

“After five years in power, all Labor is delivering is higher taxes, more debt, less jobs and less infrastructure,” Ms Frecklington said.

“New taxes, $90 billion of debt and almost 160,000 Queenslanders looking for work is the sum of five years of Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Higher Taxes

“Treasurer Jackie Trad has piled more than $3.45 billion in extra taxes and charges on Queenslanders in just two Budgets.

“Every dollar Labor takes from Queenslanders hurts the economy and destroys jobs.

“When Labor run out of money, they come after yours.

“This Budget alone will rip $1.25 billion out of the Queensland economy through new taxes and tax hikes over the next four years.

“Nowhere has ever taxed its way to prosperity.”

More Labor Debt

Ms Frecklington said while Labor charged ahead with its high-taxing agenda, debt was soaring to a staggering $90 billion.

“Labor is putting us further into debt to pay for their wasteful spending, such as changing hospital names and Al Gore lectures,” she said.

“Labor can’t manage money.

“Queensland has endured five years of Annastacia Palaszczuk and Jackie Trad but their legacy of tax and debt will last a lifetime.

“Labor’s debt represents a burden of $16,795 for each and every man, woman and child in Queensland.

“The debt bomb means billions of dollars will be unavailable in the future for natural disaster recovery or infrastructure projects, and there will be less money for nurses, teachers and police.

“Jackie Trad has jeoparadised the future of Queensland to save the skins of Labor MPs at the next election.”

Labor’s Infrastructure Lie

Ms Frecklington said the great Labor lie of this Budget was in infrastructure.

“Labor aren’t borrowing to build - they are borrowing to cover their wasteful spending,” she said.

“Labor’s IT projects are now almost half-a-billion dollars over budget, they’re fixated on changing the name Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital and they’ve slugged taxpayers a fortune for lectures by Al Gore.

“Labor’s Budget actually cuts infrastructure spending by $23 million in the budget year and over the forward estimates.

“There’s also a $500 million reduction in infrastructure spending in 2019/20 compared to previous forecasts.

“Labor is delivering less infrastructure, but more debt.

“Queensland has the lowest infrastructure investment as a percentage of revenue in the nation.”

The Forgotten Regions

Ms Frecklington said the Palaszczuk Labor Government had forgotten regional Queensland.

“The other great lie of the budget is that it is for regional Queensland. The money Labor is actually spending on infrastructure is being funnelled into a handful of inner-Brisbane electorates for their pet project Cross River Rail,” she said.

“Labor is ignoring the infrastructure needs of regional Queensland.

“At the same time, Labor is holding the resources industry to ransom and holding back projects Central and North Queensland are relying on new jobs.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government is anti-resources, anti-regions and anti-jobs.”

Less Jobs

LNP Deputy Leader and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander said unemployment in Queensland was far above the national average under the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“This Budget shows Jackie Trad is obsessed with saving her own job at the next election rather than creating jobs for Queenslanders,” Mr Mander said.

“Jobs growth has plummeted, with 26,000 less jobs predicted than in last year’s Budget.

“This is a further blow to Queensland’s workforce, with almost 160,000 people looking for work. 

“The unemployment rate in Queensland is far higher than Victoria and New South Wales.

“There is a jobs crisis in regional Queensland and much of the South-East – and key indicators point to unemployment only getting worse.

“Business confidence is at rock-bottom while construction is grinding to a 13-year low.

“Our economy is barely growing and investment in our state has collapsed.

“Queensland is hurting and it’s a direct consequence of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“Instead of delivering tax relief, Queenslanders have been taxed even more by Labor.

“Instead of a plan to responsibly pay down debt, Labor only has a plan to burden our kids and grandkids with debt.

“Instead of creating jobs for Queenslanders, the only jobs Labor care about are their own.

“This Labor Government is going nowhere and it’s taking Queensland with them.”

Ms Frecklington said her speech in reply to Labor’s Budget on Thursday would outline her vision for Queensland and plan to create jobs and opportunities in every corner of this state.

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