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Bribie Lodge: Numbers Down But Spirits High

Like many other community and service clubs, not only in this region but Australia wide, Bribie Masonic Lodge has suffered a downturn in numbers in recent times. But Master of the Lodge, Greg Hemphill, says while there’s life there’s hope, and though numbers are down due to members passing, or leaving the district, he is hopeful that Masons who have recently retired and moved to the area will come and visit the Lodge. And there’s plenty of hope in the ranks of the Bribie Lodge members that some will not only visit but affiliate with Bribie.

Mr Hemphill says he would like to see the lodge’s charitable work continue and increase with newer members joining, and to this end has offered anyone who would like to become a Freemason all the necessary information to do that.

Bribie Lodge meets on the second Wednesday of every month in the Blue Building on Banya Street, Bongaree, diagonally opposite the Toc H. Centre.

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