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FABULOUS ART Coming to Beachmere

Local artists are busily making plans to enter their work in the next Fabulous Art Beachmere (FAB) Exhibition in August. This biennial Exhibition, for both 2D and 3D works, is always well-supported by artists, photographers and crafters who submit paintings, sculptures, mosaics, craft and all manner of objects.

FAB has been growing over the past six years and, once again, looks like being well supported by the art and local community, this year revelling in its new Gallery space at The Hub, Main St, Beachmere. Recently used as a “pop up” Gallery for the Liz Heber Retrospective, the venue was a great success, utilising a recently installed art hanging system.

Beachmere Area Network Group (BANG) produce the Exhibition and, after the recent success of the Back to Beachmere Celebrations, are confident in mounting a “Fabulous” Exhibition and associated artist events.

BANG President Karen Harris said FAB was a great opportunity for new and emerging, as well as established, artists to show and sell their work. “We organise the Exhibition to encourage new artists to exhibit their work and to make connections and network with other artists. Our events allow people to meet the artists and make a connection which will build confidence and encourage artists to sell their work.”

For more information email or go to

Fabulous Art Beachmere commences Thursday, 5 August and runs until Monday, 9 August.

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