A survey of Australian kids showing that more than half (52%) who admitted they engaged in potentially cyberbullying behaviour believed they were being cyberbullied highlighted the need for a national response, coordinating actions and programs to tackle the issue.
Ms Palaszczuk asked the Prime Minister, State Premiers and Chief Ministers, at the meeting of the Council of Australian Governments in Canberra on the 9th of February, to be part of a national response to combat bullying, particularly cyberbullying.
“The yourtown survey released on the 9th of February shows this is a very complex issue for children, their parents and the wider society,” she said.
“yourtown operates the national Kids Helpline and Parentline from Queensland.”
“I support yourtown’s conclusion that – ‘We need society-wide and targeted education programs across the nation for both children and adults’.”
“I asked the leaders of Australian governments to come together to consider existing and new initiatives to help combat bullying and cyberbullying, to ensure we all work together as a nation and consider pulling together a national summit as we did for family and domestic violence.”
The Prime Minister, State Premiers and Chief Ministers were all on board and will work together to roll out the programs and make it compulsory in every school.
Young people needing support can contact the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.
Parents and carers can call Parentline on 1300 30 1300