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Globally Unified

How we solve problems is based on how we, society, work together. Everyday, how we interact with others, unite and communicate impacts our personal actions but also those around us. Across the world unity is a vital aspect of a working community. Unity Day is celebrated in the month of October across the world. Although each country specifically focuses on a different topic, the message remains the same- that through support and recognising a person’s differences we are able to create a better society and a unified global community. In the United States of America, Unity Day is celebrated on the 23rd of October. The country has a specific focus on bullying, and the day aims to demonstrate and show a united front in the face of animosity. Across the states, people are encouraged to wear orange and give their time to charities supporting the cause. In Australia, our Unity Day is not so much a day rather a week-long event. Such celebrations of the joining of community begin on the 20th of October. With Australia being such a multicultural place, our country focuses on the unity between cultures and religion. One of the first events the week features is called a ‘Walk Together’. This event is held in various states and cities and features thousands of Australians walking together to promote and welcome migrants and refugees. The week also features a number of other activities which promote acceptance and team building. These activities are often extended to work places and schools, with some popular events including sports games and musical performances. In a modern society, with access to the world at our fingertips, it is often easy to forget how distanced and alone a person can be. We can also be blind to problems occurring in our backyards. Unity Week not only promotes interactions across the community, promoting a unified society but it pushes people to band together and face issues such a pollution and poverty. Just take a look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, all 17 of them. When the United Nations first released their plans to improve the world in 2014, many thought the goals were to far-fetched or unachievable. However, through the government, the people and the private sector working together, we are more than on track to achieve many of these goals. We are not asking for a miracle or for you to solve the world’s issues, but simply participating in a local community event or social activity promotes unity. We see it from families to the workplace, and it is such a vital part of our developing society. Simply taking the time to listen to some about their personal views or thinking about what you can do to promote unity is all that is required during the week-long celebration. We are Australians, and that is what we should be promoting this Unity Week.

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