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Beachmere Australia Day Picnic in the Park, all proceeds to go 2 ad 4 legged victims of the bushfire

As the fires raced across southern states in early January, people across Australian and the world donated to online campaigns, sewed flannelette pouches for animals or dropped water and supplies into collection points across Australia.

Beachmere comes together as a community on Australia Day when they gather for the Picnic in the Park on Sunday, 26 January.

Beachmere Area Network Group organised the Picnic when locals kept asking “what can we do” and “where can we donate”. 

The event will raise funds for both two legged and four legged victims of the fires with all proceeds from the day being donated.  There will also be a collection point for anyone wishing to donate goods with the Beachmere Wildlife Shop organising distribution to wildlife carers.

The day starts around 11am and will have some fun Australiana events and activities including thong throwing and biscuit nibbling competitions and the race for the longest Mintie wrapper.  Backyard cricket and the great Aussie Quiz will entertain the crowds, along with local Bribie band, Boom Baby.

The event has seen several Beachmere businesses offer their support and the BANG committee have guaranteed that ALL proceeds from the Picnic will be donated to the charities nominated.

The Australia Day Picnic in the Park is on Sunday, 26 January from 11am till 3pm in Clayton Park, Beachmere.  For more information contact BANG by emailing or on 0456 818 017.

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