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Ladies Golf Results

TUES 21/7/20 – Ladies Single Stableford – Div 1 Winner: Leonie Buxton 38. R/U: Gill Lee 36. 2nd R/U: Maree Bailey 35 c/b. Div 2 Winner: Mary Carruthers 40. R/U: Charmaine Price 38. 2nd R/U: Fitzie Jackson 36.  Div 3 Winner: Roslyn Crossley 37. R/U: Paddy Hyde 36. 2nd R/U: Jennifer Stafford 35.

THURS 23/7/20 – Ladies Foursomes Championship – Sponsor: Victoria Nicholson Real Estate.  Overall Gross Winners: Di Benghamy & Vicki Jones 133. R/U: Suzanne Vallely & Sandra Marshall 136. 2nd R/U: Linda Urquhart & Myra Thomsen 137 c/b.  Overall Nett Winners: Suzanne Vallely & Sandra Marshall 136. R/U: Sylvia White & Sandra Power 144. 2nd R/U: Carole Watson & Susie Smith 142.

THURS  30/7/20 – Ladies Single Stroke – Div 1 Winner: Carole Watson 71. R/U: Gwen Clutterbuck 73 c/b. 2nd R/U: Cheryl Loimaranta 73. 3rd R/U: Ailsa Lauchlan 74 c/b. Div 2 Winner: Jude Dorhauer 74 c/b. R/U: Fitzie Jackson 74 c/b. 2nd R/U: Margaret Huxley 74 c/b. 3rd R/U: Lenore Wilson 74.  Div 3 Winner: Paddy Hyde 75. R/U: Sue Tailford 76. 2nd R/U: Carol McAllister 77 c/b. 3rd R/U: Jennifer Stafford 77 c/b. Best Gross: Ros Gardiner. Best Putting: Val Smith.

TUES 4/8/20 – Ladies Single Stableford – Sponsor: Team Girls – Div 1 Winner: Val Smith 38 c/b. R/U: Suzanne Vallely 38. 2nd R/U: Di Benghamy 37 c/b. 3rd R/U: Sylvia White 37.  Div 2 Winner: Lenore Wilson 41. R/U: Charmaine Price 40. 2nd R/U: Vivienne Learoyd 37 c/b. 3rd R/U: Ingrid Coburn 37 c/b.  Div 3 Winner: Heather Croukamp 39. R/U: Jan Jennings 36. 2nd R/U: Sylvia Kuhbauch 35 c/b. 3rd R/U: Carol Mc Alister 35.

THURS 6/8/20 – Ladies Monthly Medal – Sponsor: Woorim Surfside Pharmacy. Div 1 Winner: Val Smith 76. R/U: Suzanne Vallely 77 c/b. 2nd R/U: Linda Urquhart 77. Best Putting: Suzanne Vallely. Best Gross: Di Benghamy.  Div 2 Winner: Judith Umlauft 74 c/b. R/U: Ingrid Coburn 74. 2nd R/U: Yvonne Nicklin 75. Best Putting: Lulu Drew. Best Gross: Judith Umlauft.  Div 3 Winner: Sue Tailford 76. R/U: Jan Jennings 78 c/b. 2nd R/U: Angela Jordan 78. Best Putting: Angela Roberts. Best Gross: Sue Tailford.

TUES 11/8/20  - Ladies Club Championship Round 1.  Single Stroke & Putting -  Div 1 Winner: Di Benghamy 74. R/U: Suzanne Vallely 76 c/b. 2nd R/U: Linda Urquhart 76 c/b. 3rd R/U: Maree Bailey 76 c/b.  Div 2 Winner: Lyn Beaven 72. R/U: Lulu Drew 73. 2nd R/U: Mary Carruthers 75. 3rd R/U: Toni Grossmann 76 c/b. Div 3 Winner: Suzanne Wagg 73. R/U: Yvonne Swanson 75. 2nd R/U: Sylvia Kuhbauch 76. 3rd R/U: Angela Jordan 77 c/b.  Best Putting: Di Benghamy.

THURS 13/8/20 – Ladies Club Championship Round 2. Single Stroke & Putting- Div 1 Winner: Nina Bohan 70. R/U: Kris Tomalin 74 c/b. 2nd R/U: Susie Smith 74 c/b. 3rd R/U: Ann Rogers 74. Div 2 Winner: Yvonne Nicklin 74 c/b. R/U: Margaret Huxley 74 c/b. 2nd R/U: Toni Grossmann 74. 3rd R/U: Mary Barbeler 75 c/b. Div 3 Winner: Ann Mitchell 70. R/U: Stina Barnulf 71. 2nd R/U: Jennifer McKay 73. 3rd R/U: Sheila Stack 74 c/b. Best Putting:  Val Smith 27 Putts.

Congratulations to the Winners of the Ladies Foursomes Championship Event with being presented by Kate Thomas & Tarek Noble of Victoria Nicholson Real Estate who were sponsors of the event.

  1. Di Benghamy & Vicki Jones – Ladies Foursomes Championship Winners

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