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Savvy SEQ shoppers could save hundreds on power bills

Savvy south-east corner shoppers could save up to $412 a year on their power bills by comparing offers.

Energy Minister Dr Anthony Lynham said today’s quarterly report from the independent Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) showed SEQ consumers could now choose from 27 retailers to get the best deal.

“In these unprecedented times, getting the best deal possible on your power bill is important to help relieve cost of living pressures—particularly for people working from home, young families, and people on fixed incomes and jobseekers,” he said.  

“Queensland’s economic strategy for recovery includes a $300 million household relief package with $200 off utility bills.

“There’s another automatic asset ownership dividend of $50 coming from the Government on household power bills from September.

“And today’s figures show shopping around could save even more.”

The QCA report shows:

  • a typical household switching from the highest standing offer to the lowest market offer could save up to $412 a year.

  • a typical small businesses making the equivalent switch could save up to $1044 a year.

“Regional Queenslanders are also enjoying lower power prices for the third year in a row,” Dr Lynham said.

“The Government subsidises regional power bills by almost half-a-billion dollars annually to ensure families in regional communities pay a similar amount for their power as those in the south-east.”

The rebates and dividends are being credited directly to power bills.

Today’s QCA report is a quarterly review of prices in the unregulated south-east Queensland market from April to June 2020.

Any customers experiencing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 economic impacts should contact their electricity retailer about support options.  

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