Let’s look at New Zealand. The NZ experience proves the Voice is not a simple request. Ask a Kiwi like Casey Costello, an equality campaigner with Māori and Irish/English heritage, who as spokesperson of Hobson’s Pledge, knows the grave consequences of dividing our democratic system by race.
She said New Zealand’s Voice and Treaty for the Māori – in the form of the Waitangi Tribunal – had become a “co-governance” model. This means there are two governments in New Zealand, one for Māori and one for non- Māori.
And they are constantly in conflict.
Casey said this system had divided New Zealand by race on the assumption that “better decisions will be made because the Maori’s will have a voice”.
The reality?
“Instead, it is a self-appointed, elitist minority advocating that they speak for all Māori and the outcomes aren’t being achieved. In fact, in some areas we’ve gotten worse outcomes. Those that claim to represent these most at-need people, have the perfect opportunity to deny any culpability for failing to deliver because they blame things like systemic racism and colonisation for their failure to deliver. So, we just end up with a downward spiral of welfare dependency and no tangible benefit.”
Even New Zealand’s Supreme Court is now taking into account the “idea of tikanga Māori – which is an idea referring to our traditions and our protocols. It was introduced into the court system to determine an outcome in a court case. We’ve also introduced the idea of cultural impact at sentencing”
For instance, “if an offender is determined to have been affected by colonization; that impacts their sentence. As a victim of crime, how do you combat these things?”
“Law should be the law for all. It should be the same – no differentiation. It's really dangerous,” she said.
In 2011, the New Zealand government passed a law, the Marine and Coastal Area Act, which confiscated public ownership and created Customary Marine Title which only Māori could claim. 580 claims were lodged and the very first agreement awarded a tribe title to 15km of beach, even though it had been used by the public for fishing, swimming and hiking since 1840.
It’s really about a treaty and “co-governance”.
It’s about dividing our nation.
Below is the link to an interview with a NZ farmer explaining what is actually happening in NZ. Gecko Chirps strongly encourages all to watch this interview because this is where Australia is heading with the Voice.
Readers should refresh themselves with the previous Gecko Chirps and you will see the similarities with what is happening in Australia.
Remember point three in the last issue about old age pensions. An Aboriginal man sought access to the aged pension early due to racial disadvantage and life expectancy “because we die younger”. Thankfully this month the full federal court rejected the claim.
Now a reader wrote in to dispute those 11 points as misinformation because AAP FactCheck contacted NIAA and NIAA denied those points. Really? Why wouldn’t they deny them because to confirm them would be detrimental to the cause of getting the Yes vote up. Let’s not be naïve about this and as Gecko Chirps iterated, it was not NIAA policy, however Gecko believes most people are smart enough to ‘read between the lines’. The above example is indicative of what lies ahead and lends some truth to that point.
Australia already a divided nation - why? The majority of Australians are not racist. Look at some facts. We have the Aboriginal flag flying beside the Australian flag – is that not a divide? Aboriginals have access to 3273 Aboriginal agencies that 96.2% of the population cannot access. Similarly, the 96.2% of non-Indigenous Australians are being locked out of OUR Land. ‘Welcome to Country’ is divisive because it separates non-Indigenous from Indigenous. Pretty convincing argument isn’t it? And there is a lot more if people care to think about what is happening to OUR country. Why can’t Indigenous Aboriginals embrace a unified identity so that we can all be Australians as a patriotic nation?
Look at Western Australia and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. Farmers in WA are facing monumental problems with what they can do on their land. The new cultural heritage laws will require them to pay an Aboriginal consultant up to $160 per hour to obtain permits to do anything on their land that might disturb more than 50cm of soil. How can you dispute an Aboriginal claiming the land has spiritual significance and now your land can no longer be used for the purpose intended?
Readers may also have noted that one morning Channel Ten news showed the weather with all cities in Aboriginal names. Brisbane being ‘Meanjin’.
It doesn’t take much to see how the Aboriginal elite (activists and strong proponents of the Voice), are attempting to rewrite history. History is what it is, be it good or bad, but it defines the soul of the nation. Indigenous Australians should embrace it, just like Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and not continue to be so divisive. Although we know why – because it is all about sovereignty and reparations.
Actually, the Uluru Statement from the Heart, can be viewed as a militant document because it is all about taking back the land – sovereignty.
Gecko Chirps congratulates Jacinta Nampijinpa Price on being the voice of reason on the Voice issue. She is a true Australian because she believes we are ALL Australians and the Voice is a divisive tool which will only widen the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Her story is a credit to her and now she is a respected member of parliament as Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians. We need more like her.
Until next time – Gecko Chirps
The views expressed in this article are that of the author and do not necessarily represent the views held by the Publisher of the LOCAL News.