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A community consultation process has commenced to determine the recommended future upgrades to Beachmere Road between Bribie Island Rd and Biggs Avenue.

This main thoroughfare to Beachmere has received funding for planning of the first stage of upgrades and the Dept of Transport and Main Roads recently launched an online survey to garner feedback from the people who use the road.

In addition to the online survey, TMR staff organised a community consultation afternoon at the Beachmere Hub. Over fifty residents attended and were encouraged to express their opinions and raise their concerns about the road and what was most important for the initial upgrade to assist the planning team to investigate the capacity, safety and efficiency of the road.

An amount of $775,000 will be spent on the planning study with a further $7m available for what has been referred to as the “initial funding” for the upgrade.

The planning study is expected to be completed by December 2021 and the community will be advised the outcome of the planning study with another round of consultation in the community.

Have your say by providing feedback at until 14 May.

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