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Beachmere certainly turned out for it’s annual ANZAC Day service this year with perhaps the biggest crowd the village has seen.

Federal, State and Council representatives were in attendance to hear Reviewing Officer and Guest Speaker Lieutenant Commander Scott Dowd address the very large gathering. Finishing his speech with the count of lives lost across army, navy and air force, his words of “mateship, honour, courage and resilience” resonated throughout the crowd.

Padre Ross Konowalenko, surrounded by her family, dedicated a plaque to local Beachmere woman May Morgan. May enlisted as an aircraftswoman at just 19 years of age and served in Adelaide and Bundaberg before returning to Brisbane. Her plaque sits with that of her husband David who was injured in the North Australian campaign. As local residents for many years the Morgan family continue to have a place in the heart of Beachmere.

Beachmere’s population may be on the rise, but it is the solid and continued growth in community spirit, so evident on occasions such as this, which keeps this small, bayside village connected and involved.

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