Design work has now been completed for the next identified priority upgrade on Caboolture-Bribie Island Road, Ningi.
The upgrade will include duplication of the existing traffic lanes to a four-lane carriageway from Old Toorbul Point Road to just east of Saint Road and the signalisation of the Volz Road and Browns Road intersection. This upgrade will help to ease congestion and improve traffic flow and safety on this busy section of Caboolture-Bribie Island Road.
The final design includes:
duplicating the existing lanes from Old Toorbul Point Road to just east of Saint Road, from two lanes to four lanes.
installing a centre median with no right-turn movements between Old Toorbul Point Road and Saint Road.
modifying the Old Toorbul Point Road intersection to accommodate a U-Turn facility for westbound vehicles.
intersection modifications at Saint Road and McGrath Road.
signalising the Volz Road and Browns Road intersection, which includes a U-Turn facility.
installing pedestrian crossings and upgrading bus stops at the Volz Road and Browns Road intersection.
improving bike rider safety with wider shoulders and marked bike lanes at conflict points.
resurfacing the Volz Road and Browns Road intersection.
The community will be kept up-to-date as the project progresses and construction timeframes are confirmed.
The project, which is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments, is the next step in a series of planned upgrades to improve traffic flow and connectivity in critical areas on Caboolture-Bribie Island Road as funding becomes available.
This project follows upgrade works at Caboolture-Bribie Island Road and Old Toorbul Point Road intersection which were complete in September 2021.
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