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Donnybrook Social Darts  

Results for Donnybrook Sports and Community Club Social Darts, held every Thursday night at 7pm sharp. Visitors welcome. 

Potluck Doubles September Winners 

Andrew/Russell, Colin/Rhys, Andrew/Ben, Tom/Thaison. Runners Up Hazel/Ben, Ken/Kev, Colin/Kev, Colin/Ken. High Scores Men Andrew 180, 140x2, 125x2, 124, 120. Ken 140x2, 135, 121x2, 103. Ben 140, 135, 133. Kev 116, 111. Colin 129, 125, 118. Chilli 140, 125. John 140. Scotty 121. Gary 112. Rhys 132. Tom 125, Shane 134. Dale 114. Beau S 135. High Scores Ladies Sky 140, 125, 85, 82, 81x2. Barb 100, 85, 82. Hazel 82, 81. Bec 112. 

High Pegs Men Ben 49, 65. Chilli 47. Colin 50. Tom 49, 48. Ken 53. Andrew 50. Kev 52. Shane 60, 42. High Pegs Ladies Hazel 35, 12. Barb 2x2. Sky 2. Best Nights Andrew 6x100+/4 pegs, 4x100+/4 pegs, 3x100+/3 pegs. Colin 6x100+/2 pegs, 3x100+/4 pegs x 2. Ken 4x100+/4 pegs. Ben 3x100+/3 pegs. Shane 2x100+/4 pegs. Chilli 2x100+/2 pegs. Tom 3x100+/4 pegs. Kev 2x100+/2 pegs. Sky 5x80+/1 peg. Barb 3x80+/2 pegs. Hazel 1x80+/2 pegs.  

For further information, phone Ken 0428 831 453.


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