Hi readers of ‘the LOCAL’ newspaper
Bribie Island is often overlooked for its canal fishing. Canal fishing provides a wide variety of species and a great way to elude adverse weather. Whereas canal fishing should be an option for all anglers’ land based or boat. When you think of a structure, man-made constructions like bridges, pontoons, boat hulls and rocky ledgers, they all offer shelter, food and back eddies providing all of the ingredients required to attract and hold fish.

Bream, from small fish to trophy size of 40cm plus, are one of the main species that are thriving in the canals.
JACKS Jacks’ absolutely love the cover of the pontoons. Anglers cover a lot of ground and test each piece of structure to find Jacks with night-time being preferred by most fishermen to catch these fish.

For these ambushed predators a sand edge or rocky shore is favoured. A cast or two with a soft plastic will pay off. The larger fish will often hide under boat hulls near bridges or deeper holes.

These fish range along the canals busting up the surface at night, taking a variety of lures and are particularly fond of poppers 50-80mm in length.
Canals are extremely common in Southeast Queensland with many of our local species thriving in them thanks to extensive structures and food available. Anglers can fish safely in these sheltered waterways, with a really stealthy approach and covering plenty of ground to get the best results.

Fishing report for Bribie
The main target species has been Summer Whiting and the odd Tailor. Most anglers have been bagging out on the Summer Whiting at Red Beach, Skirmish Point and the stretch from Sixth Avenue to Eight Avenue. By far the best bait has been our live bloodworms. It also pays to take a spin rod with a small metal lure to snare the large number of Tailor in the same areas.
Enjoy fishing and remember to catch only what you need!
Danny and Michelle