By Alistair Gray
Brooke Savige, Tara Quirke, Belinda Ferguson, David Crisafulli, Andrew Powell, and Maree Cunningham from Bribie-Moreton Hospice Health Services Inc. are in deep discussion about a new project.
It was great to tag along and see Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli in action on his recent visit to Bribie Island. His visit included dropping into the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre, where he met with board members from the Bribie-Moreton Hospice Health Service Inc. to discuss a building project. A tour of the Bribie Island Arts Centre followed. He clearly loved what he saw with great facilities available for local artists to display their work. He was keen to learn as much as he could about Bribie and the local issues, with briefings provided by Councillor Brooke Savige and Member for Glass House Andrew Powell. From there, it was time to get an update on the housing and rental market from local realtor Lyn Petrohilos from First National Real Estate, before returning to Brisbane.