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Our Oceans

Amelia Strazdins

Water is an essential part of our lives. It is crucial to our survival and not just in the literal sense. Our oceans and waterways are home to a diverse plethora of marine life and ecosystems. These marine environments provide food, components for medicines and of course enjoyment for everyone.

Living on or near Bribie affords us a luxury that many do not have the privilege of experiencing, from the passage to our lovely beaches, living where we do provides us firsthand experiences with these marine environments and their biology.

Part of our duty living in this beautiful part of the world is to help preserve and protect our oceans to the best of our ability. Sometimes it can be easy to take what surrounds us for granted and that is why global days of recognition such as World Oceans Day remind us of the importance of these issues. Held on June 8, the purpose of this day is to reinforce to the global population how vital our waterways are in our world.

Emphasis is placed on ensuring ongoing and improved protection for animal species and bigger issues such as overfishing, pollution and environmental degradation. Obviously, a bigger question arises - what can we at home do to ensure the protection of marine life and the marine environment? Some of the approaches we can take are simple and easy, such as picking up rubbish on beaches, buying reef safe sunscreen and informing others about these practices. Staying off protected areas of the beach and being mindful where jet skis and boats are being used is also important. Further approaches can include reading up on safe marine practices and informing yourself about local marine wildlife, specifically what is beneficial and harmful for these creatures.

Ensuring the protection of our waterways is very much an issue that hits close to home. Holding discussions about the topic and raising awareness is crucial- not only for our current benefit and enjoyment but also for our future generations. Everybody has the ability to affect this change in a positive manner. The dolphins we see swimming around in the passage and the clear water we swim in at Woorim cannot be taken for granted. We already have some amazing proactive groups and organisations on the Island committed to ensuring the protection of our waterways. In encouraging more members of community to involve themselves in this issue we are all assisting in protecting the amazing biodiversity, ecosystems and marine environments that surround us. So, I urge you to do your part to help protect our oceans.

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