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Support Program for Bribie Seniors and Carers Extended

Practical help and advice for older people and carers is now offered through a Volunteer Community Peer Navigator Program at the Bribie Island library. The pilot program, a partnership between the Council On The Ageing (COTA) Queensland and Moreton Bay Regional Council, was launched in March and has been extended until the end of July, with sessions taking place every Tuesday between 10.00am and 6.00pm. The program aims to empower older people and their carers to access relevant services and supports, gain confidence in using technology to maintain their mental and social wellbeing and adapt to changing circumstances.

Volunteer peer navigators actively engage in meaningful one-to-one, one-off or ongoing conversations with individuals. By listening with empathy to their story, navigators can identify the specific needs and priorities of older people and their carers, then direct them to the most appropriate services and supports, including healthcare, aged care, social, cultural and community services and supports. Jodi Doe from Home Instead has also assisted in providing information on helping seniors to stay independent in their own homes.

People who have a good knowledge of local services and supports and enjoy using digital technologies to access relevant information are welcome to apply to become Volunteers.

Further information on the program is available from COTA Queensland’s Project Officer, Karen Wilson, by phoning (07) 3316 2912 or email


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