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The Budget – All Smoke and Mirrors 

Politicians - Clueless 


Will the $75 rebate off your power bill ($300 for the year) buy Albanese a second term?  

After four quarters of shrinking GDP, we are heading for a recession because the government has failed in all areas. The simple fact is despite the $300, plus tax cuts, power prices will continue to soar and those handouts will have little effect to help with the high cost of living in Australia. Remember how the government has continually said that renewables are cheap and we will have a reduction of $275 in our power bills. The only thing free about renewables is the wind (when it is blowing) and the sun (when it is shining). The cost to manufacture and install is astronomical, the reliability intermittent and longevity is finite and short (maximum of 20 years, if that). The wind turbine blades and solar panels have to be replaced and currently they cannot be recycled. The government is neglecting to inform us of the billions of dollars they are spending on subsidies for renewables. All we hear is the propaganda from the government that renewables are cheap and that is the future. If that is the case, then why are we paying so much for our energy and why is our manufacturing industry folding or going off shore because energy in Australia is too expensive. 

Here are a couple of suggestions how we can get back to what we used to be.  

  • Continue with renewables, but at a slower pace.  

  • Keep coal-fired power stations operational so we have reliable and cheaper power until we get nuclear power online.  

  • Stop increasing the excise tax on fuel. The economy runs on fuel and the cost of fuel has a bearing on our groceries in fact, on every consumable item.  

  • Reduce and stabilise immigration so that Australians have a real chance of either renting or owning their own home.  

  • And throw out the current government, because their policies are causing us to become one of the most expensive countries to live in.  

This is a typical Labor government: the union links and addiction to workplace interference makes it almost impossible to boost productivity. It’s green obsessions and the consequent headlong drive to net zero emissions regardless of what it does to power prices, industrial competitiveness and long-term government revenue and its preference for government action and control over individual and community self-reliance means it always opts for more spending as the government thinks that it can spend our money better than we can ourselves. Billions of dollars are going into the economically ruinous future ‘made in Australia’ push. Solar panels made in Australia can only compete on the world market if it is subsidised (our money again). What about the billion-dollar gift to a US company to build a technically unproven quantum computer in Brisbane at a cost of $2.5 million per new job. 

The facts are that the world’s reliance on fossil fuels is forecast to barely fall over the next 30 years as China and India continue to modernise their economies. We earn hundreds of billions a year from these exports, which helps pays for our hospitals, our defence force, pensions, roads and more. Yet Labor and the Greens want it all banned – for use here and sale overseas. Perhaps the Greens should look to Finland where the Greens have now got behind the support for nuclear energy as a means of reliable cheap power and net zero emissions. 

However, there has been a positive note from our resources minister announcing a plan to keep gas in the energy mix for decades to come, but that has drawn heavy flak from the Labor backbenches. So, how does a government get GDP growth if they want to ban fossil fuels? The smoke and mirrors part comes in by boosting immigration which boosts overall GDP (because more people mean more economic activity). Of course this only works if they can get a job which are falling and applicants applying are increasing based on ABS figures. 

Victoria was once the hub of manufacturing in Australia; not anymore because manufacturers are leaving the state in droves due to the high cost of power and the reliability issues. Jacinta Allan has said under no circumstance will there be nuclear power in the state of Victoria under her watch. Dan Andrews stuffed Victoria and Jacinta Allan is continuing along the same lines. Time for her to go. 

Australia is an energy superpower with all the resources we have which means we should have the cheapest energy in the world. But instead, through policy failure, we actually have some of the most expensive energy in the world. That is driving up our cost of living and sending our manufacturers broke. Australia has incredibly high energy prices – electricity and gas and yet we export the lion’s share of our coal and gas. Senseless and clueless! 

Recently, Penny Wong, our Foreign Affairs Minister voted to accept Palestine as a full member of the UN just seven months after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and massacred 1200 people, raped women, mutilated women, beheaded men, shot children and took 253 hostages half of whom are still captive, dead or alive. Hamas can pack-rape women and sexually mutilate and shoot them – kill their whole families – and Wong will then help further their cause. Absolutely shameful – clueless Penny Wong! She says it’s a move towards a two-state solution Hamas opposes – for Israel and Palestine to exist side-by-side. She is a fool to believe that and Hamas has already contradicted her. Hamas does not want Israel to exist. It wants Israel destroyed. In support of Hamas’s Jew hatred it’s quoted a verse from Islam’s sacred Hadith: “Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” In 2021 Hamas’s leader Yahyah Al-Sinwar called for “the full liberation of Palestine from the sea to the river.” That means the complete annihilation of Israel. The UN’s own charter – Article 4 (1) – says “membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states that accept the obligations contained in the Charter.” Which half of terrorist-led Palestine does Wong believe is ‘peace-loving’ and therefore qualified to join the UN?  

In the harsh reality of war, civilians die as well. We waged total war against Germany and Japan because the survival of our democratic civilization and its institutions depended on defeating them. Today, Israelis are doing the same. Their survival depends on the military defeat of Hamas, a terrorist organization which is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state and all those that live within it. 

Article 51 of the United Nations Charter recognizes all states have an inherent right to self-defense and to take what action is necessary to prevent likely future attacks.  

Shame on the clueless Labor Senator, Fatima Payman, in directing her speech criticising Israel over the war in Gaza, supporting “from the river to the sea” Hamas doctrine and asking for sanctions against Israel.  

Australia is losing its identity as the ‘lucky country’. 

Take care and be kind to yourself and vote wisely at the next election! 

Until next time, Gecko Chirps. 

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