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Youth Crime

In a recent edition of the Courier Mail, there were calls for the government to get smarter not tougher in dealing with youth crime. The latest crime report shows that youth crime has steadily increased since the period 2015/16. Why?

The problem starts in our schools, where certain youth quickly learn that anti-social behaviour, like abusing and assaulting fellow students and teachers as well as dealing drugs is quite acceptable and the resulting punishment if any, is light on. This, coupled with a lenient Youth Justice Act are two ingredients in the mix, for youth crime to flourish!

Surely its common sense that if the penalties for stealing and wrecking cars, breaking into homes and assaulting people are light, often a slap on the wrist, the errant youngster will take the risk and commit the crime. To them, it’s fun! A chance to big note themselves with an ever-widening audience on Instagram and Tik Tok.

By all means get smarter by eliminating these offensive social media blogs, ferret out the drug dealers and criminal gangs which help promote these teenage criminals. Start a crime prevention program in our schools.

When caught and sentenced, lock these young criminals in isolation, for as long as it takes to properly rehabilitate them. But don’t go soft on being tough. The young criminal must understand `if you do the crime, then you will receive an appropriate penalty`.

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