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Beachmere Assist will have its first birthday in a new dedicated space at Beachmere Community Hall from Tuesday, 8 January 2019.

In mid January 2018 Beachmere Assist “opened its doors” to help Beachmere locals connect to a variety of services and advice as well as providing an opportunity to “get out of the house” combating loneliness and isolation.

Every Tuesday, from 9am till 11am Beachmere locals met at the Beach Shak Café for a cuppa and a chat. However, the group has grown since then and the space can no longer contain the number of people attending and the volunteers on hand to assist.

Beachmere Assist Co-ordinator Dave Woodhead is overwhelmed at the response and is looking forward to a new home.

“Amanda Waters at the Beach Shak Café has been amazing. She has supported Beachmere Assist from our very first gathering. It’s due to her hospitality, and her friendly staff, that the group has grown so much that we must move to bigger premises.”

“We will meet every Tuesday (from 8 January) from 9am till 11am at “the Shed” at the Beachmere Community Hall in Progress Avenue. We will be available for locals to drop in, grab a cuppa’, have a chat or get some help.”

“We also need volunteers to assist and get involved and they can pop down and get some more information.”

People interested in attending or volunteering can contact Dave at or call 0475 571 902.

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