Over 150 Seniors came together recently at the Orchid House with the Federal Member for Longman, Susan Lamb MP for a Seniors’ Forum and Christmas Morning Tea. The Forum provided people with an opportunity to voice their concerns on the issues that are important to older Australians. There were a variety of guest speakers on the day, such as the Hon Steven Miles MP, State Minister for Health, who talked about local health services, including Federal Labor’s election commitment to build an Urgent Care Clinic on Bribie. Seniors’ advocate Everald Compton also spoke at the event, noting the important role that seniors’ events play in making sure elderly Australians are engaged in the current issues.
Everald Compton said “It was great to talk to people on Bribie Island about important issues impacting on older Australians. Elderly people in our community are not always connected the same way young people are, which is why Susan Lamb’s Seniors’ Forums are a great way for seniors to keep on top of the things that matter to them,”
“There were some questions about the reforms to dividend imputation credits, which is a policy area that I’m continuing to work with Labor on. When the policy was first announced, Bill Shorten listened to my advice and excluded all pensioners and part-pensioners from the changes. I’m continuing to consult with the community about the policy; Bill and Susan are working with me so that we can strike the right balance.”
Natalie, who lives in Sandstone Point, said she enjoyed meeting other local people and was able to find out about important legal issues that affect seniors.
“It was lovely to see so many beautiful, older faces from Bribie and Sandstone Point at Susan Lamb’s Seniors’ Forum. There was a lot of useful information about wills and power of attorney, which made me think that I need to do a bit more to prepare myself. I definitely came home with more knowledge and a smile on my face.” Natalie said.
Susan Lamb’s Seniors’ Forums are held annually, and locals can expect more events to come up in the New Year. If you were unable to make the Seniors’ Forum and would like a copy of Susan Lamb’s Seniors’ Kit, contact the Longman Electorate Office on (07) 5432 3177 or Susan.Lamb.MP@aph.gov.au.

Susan Lamb MP Federal Member for Longman and Everald Compton – Seniors Advocate.