Easter Traditions
Amelia Strazdins
Typically, when we think of Easter, we imagine Easter egg hunts, lots of chocolate and a nice day with family or friends. That’s how Australians celebrate the holiday, a picnic or nice lunch is also usually on the cards- possibly depending on the weather a trip to the beach. However, looking around the world, many countries celebrate the day with unique traditions that are very different to how we celebrate the sugar filled event. In many parts of Europe, people gather together in fields and light large bonfires called Easter Fires. These fires are usually lit on Easter Sunday or Monday and were thought to have originated from the symbolism of the fire chasing away the winter and giving way to the spring. In Sweden, interesting festive dishes include mixes of egg, herring and potatoes with pickled sardines baked in cream. Children have their own part in the celebrations, as in the days leading up to Easter, they walk around their neighbourhood exchanging handmade paintings for chocolate or sweets. A country that has a set of traditions that you probably haven’t heard of is Norway. Norwegians refer to Easter as the season known as ‘Easter Crime’ and as you can probably assume, people in Norway take a slightly different approach to their celebrations than us over here in Australia. Popular events include heading off on holidays into the mountains or off skiing. During this time period crime thrillers become extremely popular and many people buy mystery novels. Crime detective tv shows and movies are also watched across the country. Clearly, Easter is celebrated through a variety of different methods across the globe. Within certain areas of Greece, the community participates in ‘Pot Throwing’ which occurs on the Saturday before Easter Sunday and results in hundreds of people throwing their old kitchenware onto the street as a welcoming for spring. Many countries host parades and community celebrations to celebrate the coming of life and a new season. Finally, a tradition that the parents may not approve of but will certainly appeal to the kids is an age-old Bulgarian tradition. Families across the country participate in an egg fight, yes, an egg fight. It is believed that the family member that emerges from the game with their egg still intact will be the most successful member of the family for the upcoming year. No matter where you’re from, what you do to celebrate or what traditions you take part in- everyone loves the holidays and spending time with family. So, whether this year you want to brave a family egg fight or stick with the traditional egg hunt and family lunch, make the most of your day and have a wonderful Easter.