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Beachmere Joins in State Conference

Beachmere U3A joined over thirty other U3A organisations at the U3A State Conference in Bundaberg recently.

The newest U3A in Queensland, Beachmere U3A now has over 230 members and twenty classes and workshops each term.

Chair of Beachmere U3A, Mary Brown, said her recently elected Committee was working hard towards an increased awareness of U3A in the local community.

“U3A offers our seniors such a great opportunity to get involved and learn new skills. It combats isolation and loneliness, and students and members often cite their involvement as a reason for “getting up every morning”.

Our Tutors are all members and it’s the “willingness to share their knowledge” not a qualification in an area that keeps allowing us to find new Tutors and include new subjects and topics on our Program.

“The level of enthusiasm for U3A at the State Conference was wonderful, and the support for Beachmere, the newest U3A, was really heart warming,” Mary said.

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