Some of the healthiest and fittest retirees are golf croquet players!! Recently at the Pumicestone Passage Probus Club Bribie Island we had a talk about ' Dementia ' which we expected to possibly be quite dreary. But not at all it was a very interesting and informative talk with some ideas of how to keep the brain active. So, what do we need to do?
1 Use our brains
2 Exercise
3 Be outside in the fresh air.
4 Socialize.
Well Golf Croquet ticks all the boxes!! All the time the brain is working out the next move to make and the consequences of making the wrong move.
How can I stop the opposition making the hoop? How can I make sure I am in front of the hoop ready to make it? How can I achieve a jump shot to clear the obstructing ball to make the hoop? How I must confer with my partner and see what moves they think I would be better making? How many miles have I walked in this game?
Five members of the Pumicestone Passage Probus Club Bribie Island belong to the Bribie Island Croquet Club and recently went to the beautiful Norfolk Island to play in the Convicts Cup. Do they look as if they are fit and healthy and having fun? Of course, they do. Players came from all over Australia and New Zealand to play on the very rough courts which really challenged our strengths .We were playing against teams of men who were much stronger than we were on the rough ground but we managed to beat most of them !! However, Ian McCasker from Bribie Croquet Club got through to the finals and just lost out by one hoop
All the players won more than half their 13 games.
Lyn Beh played very well almost making it to the finals, but Maggie Lawson played excellent games and just missed being in the final by one hoop.
Well done Bribie Croquet Club.