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EVERY MONDAY to FRIDAY SEPTEMBER till 20 Sept U3A BEACHMERE - VARIOUS TIMES FOR CLASSES & LOCATIONS – see program of classes for TERM Three OR drop into our office Mon, Tue, Thur 8.30am – 2.30am, Wed & Fridays 8.30-11.30 for more details, Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave. 0456 685 736 or

EVERY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER WITNESSING/JP SERVICE, 9am - 9.30am Outside IGA, Beachmere Village Shopping Centre, Cnr Beachmere & James Rds.

EVERY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER BINGO, eyes down 1pm, Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave. Contact Gwen 0448 238 056.

EVERY MONDAY SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE SCOUTS – 6pm – 8pm (ages 11.5– 15 years, boys & girls) Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Avenue, Beachmere, contact for more information, excl school hols.

EVERY MONDAY SEPTEMBER MAH JONG, 9am-12pm Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave. Contact Gwen 0448 238 056.

EVERY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE SENIORS, 9am-11am, Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave, Weekly drop in! Gold Coin Donation appreciated. All Welcome: Contact Gwen on 0448 238 056.

EVERY WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER TENNIS – SOCIAL DOUBLES 8am – 11am, Beachmere Tennis Club, Roger Street Sporting Complex, Beachmere. All levels of abilities welcome. Tea & Coffee provided. Cost is $4. Contact to confirm play 0405 241 698 or 0439 287 414.

EVERY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER LINE DANCING, 6-7pm, Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave. Contact Judy 0401 153 633

EVERY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE SLIMMERS SUPPORT GROUP, 9am Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Av. We are a small friendly support group helping everyone to achieve their goals. Joining Fee $15, Weekly Fee $4, For info contact Judy 0401 153 633 OR Find us on Facebook Beachmere Slimmers Inc.

EVERY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER POP UP PLAYTIME – 11am – Noon Free Outdoor Pop-up playtime at the Beachmere Mobile Library. Explore the wonderful world of free play and help your child develop language skills and creativity.

EVERY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE SCOUTS – JOEYS – 6pm – 7pm (ages 5-8 years, boys & girls) Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Avenue, Beachmere, contact for more information, excl school hols.

EVERY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE SCOUTS - CUBS, 5.50pm for 6pm START - 7.30pm (ages 8-11.5 years, boys & girls), Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Avenue, Beachmere, contact for more information, excl school hols.

EVERY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER FREE FITNESS IN THE PARK, 8am - 9am FREE FITNESS in Clayton Park, Moreton Tce, Beachmere, use the equipment in the park with a certified trainer. Turn up or book on 0402 114 201.  More info at (weekly till 15 Dec 2019).

FRIDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER LADIES, LET’S DO LUNCH, Noon, Beachmere Hotel, James Road, Join us and come along and meet some ladies who live, work and play in Beachmere. ALL WELCOME. Food & Drinks at your own expense. Please RSVP to Christine 0413 73 95 73

TUESDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE MEN’S SHED, 9am, Beachmere Activity Centre, 25 Biggs Ave, Contact 0490 871 225 (2nd Tue each month).

WEDNESDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER CRAFT GROUP, 1.30pm, Beachmere Uniting Church, Cnr Moreton Tce & Second Ave. Bring your craftwork & gold coin donation. Enjoy a cuppa and chat and make new friends while you work. Everyone welcome. Enquiries. Rev Michele 0417 067 992 (2nd & 4th Wed each month).

TUESDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE LIONESS MEETING, from 9am Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave, (3rd Tue each month)

TUESDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER BANG FORUM 6pm, Guest Speaker Councillor Div 2. Peter Flannery, Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave. All welcome. or 0456 818 017 (3rd Tue each month)

WEDNESDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE LIONS MEETING, 6.30pm-7pm, Beachmere Activity Centre, 25 Biggs Ave. Phone 0417 781 562 to attend. (3rd Wed each month).

THURSDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, 9am at Beachmere Activity Centre, 25 Biggs Ave (3rd Thur each month)

FRIDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER BEACHMERE U3A END OF TERM CELEBRATION, 3.30 - 5pm at Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave.

WEDNESDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER CRAFT GROUP, 1.30pm, Beachmere Uniting Church, Cnr Moreton Tce & Second Ave. Bring your craftwork & gold coin donation. Enjoy a cuppa and chat and make new friends while you work. Everyone welcome. Enquiries. Rev Michele 0417 067 992 (2nd & 4th Wed each month)

SATURDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER “FREE” BEACHMERE MOVIE IN THE PARK “TROLLS”, from 5pm – Costume Competition, Games, Activities, Food Vans.

FRIDAY, 4 OCTOBER LADIES, LET’S DO LUNCH, Noon, Beachmere Hotel, James Road, Join us and come along and meet some ladies who live, work and play in Beachmere. ALL WELCOME. Food & Drinks at your own expense. Please RSVP to Christine 0413 73 95 73

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