Welcome to issue 68.
There are local issues which we must rely on our elected politicians to address. One of these is our health service. As a prosperous nation we deserve to have some of the best health care systems in the world - nothing less. But in Queensland we don’t. Locally at least, it seems we have one of the worst. We are learning that far more lives have been ruined from alleged botched surgery and other tragedies than we would ever have imagined after listening to our State Government’s repeated claims that all is well in that department.
So, in this issue we are devoting much of our editorial and contributed content to an examination of Queensland Health’s oversight and administration of hospitals in this region, following the horrendous revelations and outcry from locals at a public health crisis forum in Caboolture earlier this month. The LOCAL News was present at this meeting and after hearing first-hand from victims of shocking treatment at Caboolture Hospital, I just can’t comprehend why and how so many very justified complaints regarding surgery blunders were dealt with so poorly by hospital administrators. It seems clear precise communication and accountability from health authorities to their patients was not forthcoming.
Also in this issue, as our readers would expect, regular contributors Cranky Lizard, Matt Owen and Harvey Fewings have a few choice words to say on the health situation, while Mozza’s been out and about and around again, digging up some great local stories including the reaction of some beach-loving locals to the new police patrol buggy.
And there’s some exciting news for those who have fond memories of Brisbane’s long-gone, much-missed Cloudland Ballroom, with a double pass to an amazing new musical on offer!
As usual, and it must be said, it’s our advertisers who make this publication possible, so please support our local businesses.
Warm regards,
Belinda Ferguson