What must surely be one of the most successful community fund-raisers ever held in Beachmere took place on October 16, when, with the support of Palm Lake Resort management, Beach House was taken over for the day by Beachmere businesses, residents of Beachmere Sands and Beachmere Bay and hundreds of other Beachmere locals for the latest Monster Garage Sale and Craft Market in aid of local State Emergency Services and Rural Fire Services volunteers.
In just five hours from 7.00am, over 1000 people came to capture a bargain and enjoy themselves, no doubt many being attracted by the banners, flags and SES and RFS appliances along Peel Road. There was even a Shuttle Buggy service providing continuous passage through the two villages to the Bay front gates.
SES and RFS volunteers gave out information, sold tickets in the Monster Multi Draw Raffle and provided an escort for “Storm Trooper”, a special guest. The Ningi Ambulance Committee provided a first aid facility and the lift foyer was filled with 150 Multi-Draw prizes with the resort’s call centre busily phoning up winners as the tickets were drawn.
There was literally something for everyone to see, taste, enjoy, buy or learn about. Beachmere Men’s Shed members (whose advertising and promotion on community radio had spread word about the event in the preceding months) were kept busy, the bids rolled in and the bargains rolled out at the auction, craft and cake stalls did a roaring trade, Morning Tea took prime attention with tea, coffee, cakes, and biscuits, and the smell of onions, bacon, eggs, and sausages cooking set many mouths watering.
Local politicians played their part, with Ali King ‘s team providing bric-a-brac and popcorn while Terry Young’s team presented a mini-Ekka, bookstall and games central. Entertainment was provided by the Choir, Band, and Dance Excellence students of Beachmere State School.
As a result of this busy, fun-packed and incredibly well-supported community event and the hard work of organisers, volunteers and stall holders, a total of $15,000 was raised for the RFS and SES, each organisation receiving $7,500.
Thanks to Coordinators Jenny & Peter, Wendy & Duane and Lyn & Barry for providing information for this report.
