On Tuesday, 10th April, Susan Lamb attended a Ground-Breaking Ceremony for the Birali Steiner School at Beachmere. As the school turned five on Friday 13th April it has been a most welcomed and exciting time. While it has been wonderful to be sited at the back of the Beachmere Hall, the whole community is looking forward to moving to our permanent home later this year.
With full size classrooms we will be taking new enrolments. The school currently offers P-5, K-6 next year. Plans are underway for the High School. There are over 1000 Steiner/Waldorf Schools worldwide in more than 60 countries and 47 in Australia. The first Waldorf School was founded in Germany in 1919 and the movement turns 100 in 2019 with worldwide celebrations underway.
For further information please contact the school on Ph. 5429 0511 or visit the website www.biralisteiner.qld.edu.au or find us on facebook. Tours are held regularly, and we have the Birali Creative Fair coming up on Sunday, 27th May at the Beachmere Hall, 5 Progress Ave., Beachmere 10am-3pm.

from left to right, Lorraine Birse (Board Member), Auntie Minnie (Aboriginal Elder), Christine Dillon (Board Secretary), Susan Lamb (Federal Member for Longman), Chris Jack (Principal), Laing Dillon (Acting Board Chair), Georgina Dillon (student), Brad Day (Board Member), Lachlan Day (student), Dean Karauria (Shadforths Civil) and Michael Danieluk (Midson Constructions).